Work Initiated

Works initiated by SDA Assam on matters relating to Energy Conservation:

  1. A list of industrial consumers having connected load of more than 1000KW has been collected. Since as per the latest norms, the categorization of Designated consumers is made on the basis of energy consumption in terms of MTOE, the detailed list will be ready after the respective consultants submit their report.
  2. A list of commercial buildings with more than 500 KW of connected load has been collected.
  3. The State PWD has informed that most of the street lights in the Guwahati City have been fitted with automatic switching devices to conserve energy.
  4. The Railways Authority have also fitted efficient fluorescent lamps in it’s staff quarters in place of incandescent lamps to conserve energy.
  5. The Government of Assam vide its Notification No.PEL.81/2002/pt/158, Dtd.20.07.2007 made the use of energy efficient lamps mandatory in all Govt. buildings/ Institutions/ Boards/ Corporations.
  6. The Government of Assam vide its said Notification No.PEL.81/2002/pt/158, Dtd.20.07.2007 directed all Govt. departments and agencies to adopt design of new buildings basing upon energy conservation concept as per ECBC norms.
  7. Most of the existing large buildings have been informed to adopt energy efficiency measures by using energy efficiency lamps and other appliances.
  8. The Electricity distribution companies have been requested to print energy saving tips on the reverse side of monthly energy bills for benefit of electricity users.
  9. Cinema halls and multiplex halls were requested to display energy conservation messages using slide shows at intervals. Some of them have already started the display and the rest are also expected to follow very soon.
  10. Some energy auditors have started energy audit in Tea sectors and buildings. Though the matter is in a primitive stage at the moment, it is expected to gain momentum after the achievement of positive results by the energy users.
  11. Prospective designated agencies have been requested to furnish energy consumption in terms of MTOE. As per reports received, Hindusthan Paper Corporation, Nagaon’s consumption is 44,885 MTOE, Hindusthan Paper Corporation, Cachar’s consumption is 76,200.5 MTOE, Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizers Corporation’s consumption is 4,36,074 MTOE and NEEPCOs Assam Gas Based Power Plant at Bokuloni is 4,27,538.95 MTOE for the year 2006-07. Other replies are awaited..
  12. The Assam Power Generation Corporation Limited constituted Energy Audit Cells in their thermal power plants in Lakwa and Namrup for monitoring energy audit matters.
  13. As presently there are no manufacturers of refrigerators, air conditioners, fluorescent lamps in the State, only the distribution transformer manufacturers in the State have been informed about the BEE’s S & L programme and have been advised to take steps accordingly.


As initial steps actions were limited in providing information of various provisions of the Act to designated consumers, requesting designated consumers to appoint Energy Managers, carrying out of Energy Audit, publication of information relating to Energy Conservation and energy saving tips in local dailies, distribution of informative leaflets for the benefit of public, celebration of National Energy Conservation Day in association with ASEB etc. Cinema halls of Guwahati city were requested to display slides containing Energy Conservation messages during show intervals to propagate the message of energy conservation among public.

Based on proposal submitted by the CEIA, the Government of Assam issued Notification in July 2007 to use energy efficient lamps in Government buildings, Institutions, Board, Corporations and promotion of Energy Efficient Building Designs as per the Energy Conservation Building Code published by the BEE.

The BEE conducted painting competition among 4 th and 5 th standard students for creating awareness of energy efficiency in 2005, 2006 and 2007 through CPSUs. In Assam, Powergrid conducted the said competitions. All necessary helps for conducting the said competition were extended by the CEIA’s office to Powergrid.

The BEE conducted a one-day workshop on Energy Conservation at Guwahati in April 2007 with help and support from CEIA’s office, where 22 organizations participated