Financing in Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency Financing Platform (EEFP)

BEE, since its inception, has been working on strengthening the importance of Energy Efficiency (EE) and the development and integration of EE measures across sectors. With time as the market got evolved and became relatively mature by government fierce interventions, the need of timely access of finance is realized. EEFP aims to establish a platform to interact with Financial Institutions (FIs), project developers and other stakeholders for the implementation of energy efficiency projects and accelerating energy efficiency financing.

The broader objective of EEFP is to create mechanisms which would help finance demand side management programmes in key sectors by capturing future energy savings as well as for capacity building of financial institutions and ESCOs/OEMs/ designated consumers. This shall also play a vital role in creating the awareness for BEE’s various energy efficiency financing schemes to boost the investment in this area.