How to Save Energy?
Energy management is the means to controlling and reducing your daily energy consumption. And controlling and reducing your daily energy consumption is important because it enables you to: Reduce costs – this is becoming increasingly important as energy costs rise.

Energy Conservation
By reducing consumption of energy through energy conservation also helps us to save precious fossil fuel like coal, gas.

Energy Case Studies
The EESL’s Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All (UJALA, meaning Light in Hindi), is the world’s largest lighting replacement programme.

Energy Saving Tips
You can save energy by managing it efficiently on day to day basis. Managing energy means that what you use and how you use.

Energy Saving Calculator
Energy Saving Calculator helps you in finding your overall energy consumption.
Projects and Schemes
We have been working on implementing various projects under various schemes.


Importance of Alternative Energy
In recent years, the great threat of climate change, global warming, and environmental imbalance …

What is a BEE Star Rating?
BEE is a government agency that carries out energy efficiency projects. It was established under the Energy …

How Can You Reduce Your Energy Bills?
We as electricity consumers, are always on the lookout for better and efficient energy plans, …
Solar-Home Systems & Mini-Grids: Same, Same But Different!
More than a billion people around the globe do not have access to electricity …
Special Economic Zones: An opportunity to double India’s onsite solar capacity
In 2000, the Indian government introduced industrial parks called Special Economic Zones …
Combining Solar & Farming Benefits Both
Fraunhofer ISE in Germany was one of the first to experiment with combining solar and farming on the same land …